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boats at courtsmasherry

Whales & Wildlife

On our marine wildlife tours, we often encounter the wading birds including oyster catchers, bar-tailed and black-tailed godwit, whimbrel, curlew, grey plover, dunlin, redshank, grey herons, egrets, several species of duck and at certain times of the year brent geese.
As we leave the sheltered harbour, black headed, black backed, herring and common gulls and cormorants are present. When on the water we can see Gannets, Manx Shearwaters, Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills and Kittiwakes. In late summer and autumn sometimes spot Great, Sooty and Corey’s Shearwater along with Great, Long-tailed, Pomarine and Arctic Skuas.

On most trips throughout summer and autumn, we encounter common dolphins; sometimes large groups of them which are majestic swimming alongside the boat. On rare occasions, we do encounter harbour porpoises also. On a successful day, we may encounter minke, fin or humpback whales.

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Aquatic Creatures